WHAT I LEARNED AT DISNEY; it is a small and wonderful world!

Last week, I was fortunate enough to visit Disney World in Orlando, Florida. Every business, every school, every country from around the world should: study, learn, and then practice what is offered there. HAPPINESS, LOVE, and BROTHERHOOD.  It was evident everywhere and was perhaps my favorite attraction. I teared up several times at the kindness shown to strangers, by strangers.
Each day, we all have the chance to start over. That’s a powerful thought! Many days, we let that opportunity slip by. Imagine that after reading this writing… we and others… actually start over and be kinder and gentler souls. That’s you too Politicians; instead of putting each other down, why not tell us how America can heal and become One… again.
Imagine the freedom of actually wiping the slate clean of all the negatives in our lives, Past and Present, and instead focusing only on the “positives.” We all have positives… even if initially we don’t look at them that way. This opportunity is offered to all men …everywhere. It makes us connected in a very basic way. Sometimes, this concept is forgotten or dismissed. Yet, it might be the most meaningful thing we are given in Life.

Here’s the amazing part. It is virtually impossible not to find something good in even the most challenging of situations. It’s difficult to see sometimes, but it’s always there. My own personal belief is that we can not control what is done to us, our individual tests and challenges by others, Nature, and our God, but we always have a choice in how we react to those tests and challenges.
It appears as basic as accepting the things we can not change combined with a quiet determination to rise above our adversities as a stronger and wiser person. It is also our opportunity to act both honorably and responsibly not only for ourselves, but for others while we find our way. Very simply, it’s Integrity or doing the right thing regardless of the outcome. Sometimes it is difficult, but it can be accomplished.

With each and every positive choice we make for ourselves and towards others we further define who we are as Human Beings and make the world a better place. Every day we are given this opportunity to perfect ourselves. It is an absolutely liberating thought and practice. We are not defined by what has been done to us in the past, but instead we are what we have chosen to do for ourselves… both now and in the future.       We can all choose that on any given day. One need not have an expensive or lengthy list… to experience life’s amazing gifts.
Maybe we can just slow down and recognize LIFE for the precious gift that it is… all on its own.
What is amazing about our time here on Earth is that with each positive action we choose, we have the opportunity to leave our own Human Footprint in time. Let this be the time that our lives aren’t so much about what we have…or what we’ve lost, but rather what we’ve given and therefore found.
I saw this, last week… at Disney!

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